


thermo_modify keyword value ...
  • one or more keyword/value pairs may be listed
  • keyword = lost or norm or flush or line or format or temp or press:l
    • lost value = error or warn or ignore
    • norm value = yes or no
    • flush value = yes or no
    • line value = one or multi
    • format values = int string or float string or M string
    • M = integer from 1 to N, where N = # of quantities being printed
    • string = C-style format string
    • temp value = compute ID that calculates a temperature
    • press value = compute ID that calculates a pressure


thermo_modify lost ignore flush yes
thermo_modify temp myTemp format 3 %15.8g
thermo_modify line multi format float %g



注意:这些选项应用于当前定义的thermo类型。当你使用命令thermo_style时,所有热力学相关的设置都会保存为他们的默认值,包括在这之前使用thermo_modify命令设置的值。因此,如果你在输入脚本中使用了thermo_style命令,你就需要在它之后使用thermo_modify 命令。












Different unit styles have different defaults for this setting (see below). Even if norm is set to yes, a value is only normalized if it is an "extensive" quantity, meaning that it scales with the number of atoms in the system. For the thermo keywords described by the doc page for the thermo_style command, all energy-related keywords are extensive, such as pe or ebond or enthalpy. Other keywords such as temp or pressare "intensive" meaning their value is independent (in a statistical sense) of the number of atoms in the system and thus are never normalized. For thermodynamic output values extracted from fixes and computes in a thermo_style custom command, the doc page for the individual fix or compute lists whether the value is "extensive" or "intensive" and thus whether it is normalized. Thermodynamic output values calculated by a variable formula are assumed to be "intensive" and thus are never normalized. You can always include a divide by the number of atoms in the variable formula if this is not the case.



关键字format设置每个输出量的数值格式。取int可以设置为整形格式,设置为float设置为浮点型。值M用来设置第M个量的输出格式,如format 5 %10.4g就是对输出数据中的第5列进行设置。如果对指定的列进行了设置,那么这种设置会优先于int/float类型的设置。


When specifying the "format int" keyword you can use a "%d"-style format identifier in the format string and LAMMPS will convert this to the corresponding "%lu" form when it is applied to those keywords. However, when specifying the "format M string" keyword for step and natoms, you should specify a string appropriate for an 8-byte signed integer, e.g. one with "%ld".

The temp keyword is used to determine how thermodynamic temperature is calculated, which is used by all thermo quantities that require a temperature ("temp", "press", "ke", "etotal", "enthalpy", "pxx", etc). The specified compute ID must have been previously defined by the user via the compute command and it must be a style of compute that calculates a temperature. As described in thethermo_style command, thermo output uses a default compute for temperature with ID = thermo_temp. This option allows the user to override the default.

The press keyword is used to determine how thermodynamic pressure is calculated, which is used by all thermo quantities that require a pressure ("press", "enthalpy", "pxx", etc). The specified compute ID must have been previously defined by the user via the compute command and it must be a style of compute that calculates a pressure. As described in the thermo_style command, thermo output uses a default compute for pressure with ID = thermo_press. This option allows the user to override the default.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If both the temp and press keywords are used in a single thermo_modify command (or in two separate commands), then the order in which the keywords are specified is important. Note that a pressure compute defines its own temperature compute as an argument when it is specified. The temp keyword will override this (for the pressure compute being used by thermodynamics), but only if the temp keyword comes after the press keyword. If the temp keyword comes before the press keyword, then the new pressure compute specified by the presskeyword will be unaffected by the temp setting.





The option defaults are lost = error, norm = yes for unit style of lj, norm = no for unit style of real and metal, flush = no, and temp/press = compute IDs defined by thermo_style.

The defaults for the line and format options depend on the thermo style. For styles "one" and "custom", the line and format defaults are "one", "%8d", and "%12.8g". For style "multi", the line and format defaults are "multi", "%8d", and "%14.4f".

标签: lammps, lammps翻译


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